Histon in the Domesday Book
HISTON answers for 261/2 hides.
This manor is one of the 12 lordship manors of the Bishopric of Lincoln.
Bishop Remigius also holds 17 hides less 1 virgate. Land for 13 ploughs.
In lordship 8 hides; 2 ploughs there; a third possible.
18 villagers and 18 smallholders with 9 ploughs; a tenth possible.
4 cottagers; 4 slaves.
Meadow for 13 ploughs; pasture for the village livestock.
Total value £10; when acquired £12; before 1066 £14.
Of the 261/2 hides
Picot holds 9 hides and 3 virgates from the Bishop.
Land for 6 ploughs. In lordship 1 plough; a second possible.
10 villager and 9 cottagers with 2 ploughs; another 2 possible.
Meadow for 6 ploughs; pasture for the village livestock.
Value £4; when acquired £6; before 1066 £7.
9 Freemen held this land; they could sell, but the jurisdiction remained with the Bishop.
In the same village Bishop Remigius
Holds 1 hide and 1 virgate and 2 parts of 1 virgate.
Land for 1 plough, but the plough is not there.
1 villager; 1 cottager.
Meadow for 1 plough.
Value 5s; when acquired 10s; before 1066 20s.
Wulfwin, the Abbot of Ely’s man, held this land; he paid a sester of honey a year.
Bishop Remigius annexed this land in the Abbot’s despite, as the Hundred testifies.
Picot the Sheriff holds it from the Bishop.
Definitions used:
Hide –
Reckoned in the Domesday Book to be about 120 fiscal acres
One quarter of a hide
Administrative district whose assembly of notables and village representatives usually met once a month
Usually a plough team with 8 oxen and a plough
For more information, see the Domesday Book