Sub Groups
At the heart of our society lies a diverse range of engaging sub-groups, each with its unique focus, led by dedicated individuals who champion the exploration and celebration of our local heritage. Take a look below and do get in touch if you would like to become involved.
Publications Group
Group Leader: Geoffrey Smallwood
Contact: 01223 234258
The Publications Group is dedicated to coordinating the production, marketing, and sales of the Society’s publications. Led by Geoffrey Smallwood, the group welcomes new members interested in contributing to these endeavours. This can be helping us with small bit of supporting research for ongoing projects, or we can offer you support for your own publication.
Recent publications include Histon On and Off the Rails – Published 2021, The Chivers Story – Published 2023 and the enlarged and updated edition of Cheers! – Published 2024
History Group
Group Leader: Eleanor Whitehead
Contact: 01223 234502
The History Group actively collects archive photographs and village memorabilia, meeting regularly to report on their work. Their members engage in individual projects, record village events, and publish booklets and books on local history. Activities include displays, talks, assistance to interested parties, and the maintenance of a newspaper archive since 1980. Archives contents lists are sometimes available upon email request through the website. Our advice is free of charge, but we do of course welcome any small donations if we have been helpful or why not sign up for membership. New members are very welcome Please contact Eleanor using the phone number or e-mail address supplied.
Current Projects include archives work by Eleanor Whitehead, ‘Memories’ project by Geoffrey Smallwood and WWI associated projects by Eleanor Whitehead.
Projects Group
The Projects Group has undertaken various restoration projects, including the Blacksmith’s Grave, George V Jubilee seat at School Hill, Histon Giant’s grave, and the Pump on Histon Green. They also have unveiled plaques commemorating historical sites. The Projects Group has also made significant contributions to local celebrations of the Parish Council centenary, the Millennium, the Jubilees, the end of WW1 and most recently in 2023, 150 years since Chivers & Sons’ first commercial jam boil.
If you have an idea for a project that you would like to suggest to the society then do get in touch. As long as it is is in line with our mission statement then we are happy to consider it however big or small.
Environmental Group
Until recently, this group focused on preserving open green spaces, marking Public Rights of Way, and monitoring Planning Applications. They collaborated with the Cambridgeshire County Council Rural Group to publish a Beating the Bounds leaflet and designed Public Footpath map-boards. The group reorganises as needed, organising events such as a successful 12 km Country Walk for the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. They compiled a document listing property of architectural and historical interest in response to the Histon and Impington Parish Council Planning Sub-committee's request. Digital copies are available from the group's Secretary. We also work with local environmental group such as Abbey Fields and Histon and Impington Green Spaces.