Past Talks

Take a look at a sample list of our past talks below. Please do get in touch if you want to give a talk of your own?

The Post Office Terrace Studio Collection, Cambridge. Mary Burgess, Local Studies Librarian at the Cambridgeshire Collection, Cambridge Central Library, discussed The Post Office Terrace Studio Collection, Cambridge.

Beneath the Choir Stalls of King’s College, Cambridge: Alison Dickens, a professional archaeologist for over 30 years and former president of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, talked about some surprising revelations during this excavation.

Histon and Impington Memories – A panel of 4 residents recounted their favourite memories of growing up in the villages.

History of Abbey Farmhouse and the ‘Recycled Farm: Michael Watson, owner of Abbey Farm, shared some of his discoveries about the history of the farmhouse.

How to research the history of your house: Members joined us to learn how to research their house history with well-known historian Helen Weinstein. In this illustrated talk Helen showed members how to find out about properties by accessing well known sources like the 1891 census and the trade directories, whilst using an example house in the Mill Road area.

The Chivers story 1806-1958:A fruitful endeavour: Eleanor Whitehead, our local historian, gave an illustrated talk on the history of Chivers and its influence on our villages, as precursor to the Chivers’ Anniversary Exhibition taking place in July.

Family History and All That: Wendy Doyle, Secretary of the Village society, talked about researching her family history. Not a “How” more a “Why”, or “What do you get out of it” with examples from her 40 year journey through her family.

Eyes in The Boat – A unique history of the River Cam. Bill Key reflected on the 63 years he has been rowing on the Cam with details taken from his recently published book.

The Great Plague – When death came to Cambridge in 1665. Evelyn Lord gave a talk based on her much acclaimed book on the subject. She focused on the plague’s effects on smaller towns, using the example of Cambridge, where every death was a singular blow affecting the entire community.

A history of cycling in Cambridgeshire . Mary Burgess from the Cambridgeshire Collection talked about how cycles have been used through time – for sport, people’s work, a method of transport and just for fun.