Impington Historic Records

The historic records of Impington are largely held at the County Council Records Office. The following is a list of the materials held there:

Schedule of deeds and documents relating to Histon Burial Ground

Note that the Burial Ground is in Histon Parish, but, since 1980 has been held by Impington Parish Council, which acts as a Burial Ground Authority.

Deed of EnfranchisementThe Lord of the Manor of Histon St Ethel to William Chivers3.8.1861
Admission of John Archer Houblon12.12.1854
ConveyanceWilliam Chivers to the trustees of the proposed Cemetery at Histon27.11.1862
Copy of Absolute SurrenderJohn Archer Houblon to William Chivers26.9.1876
Copy Admission of William Chiverson the Absolute Surrender of John Archer Houblon21.10.1876
Award of EnfranchisementManor of Histon Saint Andrew William Chivers21.12.1876
ConveyanceMrs L L Chivers to John Chivers24.12.1902
Written Consents pursuant to the provisions of the Burial ActsW. Course, G Woodward, D Course, M Coe, F Coe
Letter from Local Government Board20.7.1903
Conveyance of Burial GroundJohn Chivers to Chesterton R.D.C.31.12.1928
Conveyance Pt OSP 116 (Burial Ground)Chivers & Sons Ltd and Another to Chesterton R.D.C.21.8.1929
Conveyance Pt OSP 116 (Burial Ground)John Stanley Chivers to Chesterton R.D.C.21.8.1929
Conveyance of Land adjoining Pigs Lane, Histon + CopyChivers & Sons Ltd and Another to Chesterton R.D.C.2.7.1935
Abstract of Title to freehold land at Pig’s Lane, HistonChivers & Sons Ltd.
Company Search by Waterlow and Sons LtdChivers & Sons Ltd.8.8.1935
Conveyance of 5 parcels of land situated at Pig’s Lane, HistonChesterton R.D.C. to Cambridgeshire County Council19.7.1957
Memorandum to the Conveyance of 2nd July, 1935Chivers & Sons Ltd The Law Debenture Corporation Ltd and Chesterton R.D.C.19.7.1957
Copy Deeds relating to Consecration of part of Burial Groundplus sealed plan of consecrated area27.7.1973
Conveyance of Burial GroundSouth Cambridgeshire District Council to Impington Parish Council1.4.1980
Copy of Conveyancecertified by W H S Godfrey conveying the Burial Ground from SCDC to Impington Parish Council
Copy of Petitionto the Bishop of Ely to consecrate an additional area of land at Burial Ground28.9.1983
Copy of Sentenceof Consecration of an additional area of land at the Burial Ground28.9.1983

Other Deeds & Associated Legal Documents

Deed of gift by Chivers & Sons Ltd, & another of two pieces of land for children’s playgrounds (with correspondence, 1953 – 1968)1953
Grant to Hall & Huckle Ltd of drainage rights across one of the above pieces (with correspondence 1961 – 3)1962
Deeds of triangular plot at junction of Cambridge Road and Bridge Road, given by Mrs M E Chivers1965 – 1971


Vestry3 November 1887 - 31 March 1892
Impington Parish Meeting23 March 1893 - 10 April 1906
matters include parish gravel pit 1889, roads 1892, enlargement of school 1895, sale of Gravel Pits 1895, and byelaws 1901
Impington Parish Council2 January 1895 - 27 March 1901
correspondence with Chesterton Rural District Council with regard to obstruction of road pasted in front. matters include: copying of inclosure map 1896, charity coals 1897, provision of recreation ground 1897, and state of New Road footpath 1901
Impington Parish Council17 April 1901 - 30 March 1914
matters include: building byelaws 1901, Coronation celebration 1902, adoption of lighting act 1902, improvement to train services 1903, report on roads and speed limit for motor cars 1903, cleansing of parish watercourses 1904, new school 1910-11, coronation celebrations 1911, gas changes 1912, footbridge over railway 1913, excessive speeding through village 1913, refuse collection 1914
Impington Parish Council20 April 1914 - 23 March 1934
matters include: filling in of Bird's Pond 1917, housing problems 1919, Peace celebration 1919, provision of gas in council houses 1920, village library 1922, provision of refuse cart 1926, sewage disposal 1926, provision of electric street lighting 1929, poor state of the Dole footpath 1930, naming of streets 1931, list of street names, and plan 1930, extension of Cambridge boundaries 1931, repair of various lanes 1932, provision of water hydrants 1933, and town planning proposals 1933. Affixed to back page, proposals for permanent peace memorial
Impington Parish Council16 April 1934 - 28 May 1953
matters include scheme for sewage disposal 1935, King's silver jubilee 1935, provision of fire hydrants 1936, provision of Village College 1937, evacuation scheme 1941, erection of war memorial 1946, proposed bridge over railway 1947, new recreation ground 1947, provision of telephone kiosk 1948, provision of bus shelters 1950, coach services 1952, coronation celebrations 1952, and provision of children's playgrounds 1953
Impington Parish Council13 July 1953 - 26 March 1973
Impington Parish Council18 June 1973 - 19 March 1984
Impington Parish Council14 May 1984 - 18 April 1989
Impington Parish Council19 March 1990 - 18 March 1996
Impington Parish Council20 May 1996 - 16 March 1998
Histon & Impington Joint Committee for Collection of Domestic Refuse28 May 1930 - 7 February 1949
Attached plan of new housing estate and label from can of Chivers Hot Pot
Histon & Impington Coronation Celebrations Committee10 November 1952 - 15 April 1953
Histon School Board Managers21 September 1903 - 9 June 1913
Impington School Board Managers14 September 1903 - 9 September 1912
Histon & Impington School Board Managers8 September 1913 - 15 June 1928

Accounts & Associated Financial Records

Petty Cash Accounts1901 – 1943
Receipt & payment book1895 – 1920
Receipt & payment book1920 – 1943
Receipt & payment book1950 – 1976
Receipt & payment book, lighting & watching account1929 – 1950
Register of mortgages (one entry only)21-Oct-29