Membership Form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country I would like to receive emails about local history Membership Type * New Membership Renewing Membership Joining Declaration * You can review our Constitution here and our Privacy Policy here. I wish to join the Histon and Impington Village Society (required) I am over the age of 18 (required) I agree to abide by the Society's Constitution (required) I have reviewed and accept the Society's Privacy Policy (required) I wish to pay by * If you are a new member, your membership will begin from the date we receive your cleared payment. Bank Transfer – payment details will be sent on receipt of form Cheque or cash– please send your cheque for £12, or £6 if starting from July to December, (payable to Histon and Impington Village Society) to this address: The Secretary, H&IVSoc, 65 Station Road, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9LQ. Cash to be hand delivered please do not post it Any other message or query related to membership: By submitting this form you agree you have read and agreed to abide by the Society’s constitution and have read and accept the the Society’s Data Protection Policy. Thank you!